The Blackout Club Wiki
Story Timeline Event
This article is part of the TBC Wiki's Story Timeline.
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Event Information

Date: January 2, 2021
Voices: (none)
Character: Grandmother
Relevant Interactions: 1, 2, 3

Event Details

Trapped in Saturation Control, Wayka reached out to Club members, offering a bargain. In exchange for Old Tongue, she was willing to give information she held from her time serving SPEAK-AS-ONE. Over the course of multiple interactions, the club eventually showed her all of the known Old Tongue gestures. Shortly after, she requested the Club's help with performing an Old Tongue sequence for her, as she did not have a body and could not perform it herself.

Wayka requested six phrases, in the following order:

Youth Our Prey
Trick Through Fear
Prove Thy Fault
Grow In Spite
From All One
Against The World

Wayka requested for "Against The World" to be performed twice, and then just "World" a third time. After the group did so, Wayka proclaimed that she was free and told the group that she would see them on the outside. With the Club's help, Wayka successfully escaped Saturation Control.

