The Blackout Club Wiki

This page lists all quotes said by the Whisper Twins.

Apocalypse[ | ]

Twin A:  LeftQuote Do y'all think it's the apocalypse? Is that why they built all this? RightQuote
Twin B:  LeftQuote Then what's the big-ass music box for? The 4 horsemen's theme song? RightQuote

Avatars[ | ]

Twin A:  LeftQuote So are we like... avatars or something? I mean magical, or... are we all just the same flavor of nuts? RightQuote
Twin B:  LeftQuote Either way, we're losing. So... pick whichever lets ya sleep at night. RightQuote

Big Bad[ | ]

Twin A:  LeftQuote So the Big Bad, this "Speak As One," am I saying that right? Is it really like... a god? RightQuote
Twin B:  LeftQuote I dunno. If the same voice were in everyone's head... can a god just be made of people? RightQuote

Diverse[ | ]

Twin A:  LeftQuote So... I've been on field trips to other towns, and compared to them, Redacre's pretty... diverse! RightQuote
Twin B:  LeftQuote Yeah, Chorus gave out co-housing spots to families from all over. We dunno why. RightQuote

Hostages[ | ]

Twin A:  LeftQuote I get how this video stuff might expose the bad guys, but how's it gonna help us find Bells? RightQuote
Twin B:  LeftQuote I... think it's like hostages. If she's alive, we need to scare the bad guys, AND bring somethin' to trade. RightQuote

Humane Capture[ | ]

Twin A:  LeftQuote Why are we out here with this humane capture shit? We should bring some knives at least. My uncle has a gun. RightQuote
Twin B:  LeftQuote The bad guys are sleepwalking. Could be your grandma in a mask. You want blood, find some other edgelords and start your own club. RightQuote

Junior Prom[ | ]

Twin A:  LeftQuote Uh... do you guys think we'll ever like, WIN win? "Behold my true form, oh drat, I'm dead." RightQuote
Twin B:  LeftQuote You're killing me with this. I'm just tryin' to survive till Junior Prom. RightQuote

Pick One[ | ]

Twin A:  LeftQuote So you hear the voice too, right? Does it ever tell you to, uhm... Hurt anything? RightQuote
Twin B:  LeftQuote Voices, plural. Some do? Eventually I think we have to pick one... Or it picks us... RightQuote

Professor Fear[ | ]

Twin A:  LeftQuote So how far outta town can we get cell signal and upload this stuff? And can you even drive? RightQuote
Twin B:  LeftQuote I can learn. I've got a great teacher. I call him: "Professor Fear." RightQuote

Supercut[ | ]

Twin A:  LeftQuote Do you think we got enough video to make anyone believe us? RightQuote
Twin B:  LeftQuote Just us? No. But a supercut from the whole club could wake up every kid in town. And then... Who knows? RightQuote